- 资质:艺
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.8分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:20年
- 展厅面积:100平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳-其他
2018-08-31 10:42:09
©Antonio Biagiotti,Mountain Spigolino,2017
Photofairs | Shanghai
2018.09.21 - 09.23
Frogman Art | 蛙人艺术
Booth | D17
Realistic Dimension | 现实维度
Antonio Biagiotti
Shifra Levyathan
Jamie McCartney
©Jamie McCartney,Dive,2016
影像是对世界真与美的再现-如神秘的柏拉图洞穴。蛙人艺术很荣幸能受邀参加此次影像上海艺术博览会,我们将携艺术家Antonio Biagiotti、Shifra Levyathan、Jamie McCartney的影像作品向大家展现艺术的现实维度,为观者呈现已成“过去”分秒的表象之下更深层的力量。届时也期待与广大藏家及艺术爱好者沟通交流。
Images are the reflections of the truth and beauty of this world, such as the mysterious cave of Plato. FROGMAN ART is honored to be invited to participate in the Photofairs Shanghai 2018, we will present a realistic dimension of Art, by the portfolio of Artists Antonio Biagiotti, Shifra Levyathan, and Jamie McCartney, which emerges the deeper strength beneath the images themselves. At the same time, we are also looking forward to communicating with Tibetan collectors and art lovers.
©Antonio Biagiotti,Snow Covered Mountains and the Moon,2016
Antonio Biagiotti来自意大利,他喜欢用黑白胶片走近影像,尽管意识到新技术可以带来巨大的优势,但数字图像从未偷走他的心,他的照片仍用传统的方式拍摄和处理,以“纯粹”的摄影艺术去表现真实美丽的世界。他认为这是最内省的,真正让他在灵魂中感受到了高度的诠释和控制。对与Antonio而言,胶片拍摄是他观察和理解事物的方式之一。当某些东西深深地触动到他的心灵时,他就会拍照,他试图结合自己的心境来捕捉对于自己所看到的事物进行最佳的诠释。
Antonio Biagiotti is from Italy, he likes to approach the image using black and white film. Despite realizing the significant advantages that could be gained from new technology, digital images never stole his heart, his photographs are taken and processed in a traditional manner, use "pure" photographic art to represent the real and beautiful world. He thinks it's the most introspective, and truly allows him a very high degree of interpretation and control which he feels in his soul. For Antonio, film photography is part of his way of seeing and understanding things. He takes photographs when something hits his deep in his soul, he tries to capture the best interpretation of what he saw, combined with his state of mind.
©Shifra Levyathan,A Story in 3 Chapters,2017
来自以色列的当代摄影师Shifra Levyathan基本上是一位解禁的摄影师,她爱这座城市,它的人民和它的建筑。Shifra的灵感来自于内心,无论是个人还是周围的人,这是她对生活的反应。《A story in 3 chapters》便是她在参观柏林的一个博物馆,站在第一张图片前时,她就决定添加序列。对她来说,照片就像画家的画布:从照片中添加或减去,创造出她在脑海中看到的东西。她认为每个艺术家都有自己独特的东西。她希望自己的艺术,或者至少她的眼睛,是独一无二的。
Shifra Levyathan, a contemporary photographer from Israel, basically she is an unban photographer. she loves the city, it’s people and it’s Architecture. Shifra's inspiration comes from within, it's a reaction to life, both hers personally and the one of others around her. "A story in 3 chapters" is she visited in a museum in Berlin and as l stood before picture #1, she decided to add sequences. For her, the picture is like a painter's canvas: she adds and subtracts until she produces what she saw in her mind’s eye. She believes every artist has something unique only to him. She hopes that her art, or at least her eye, is something that is unique only to herself.
©Jamie McCartney,Yoga,2012
Jamie McCartney是一名英国艺术家,1991年毕业于美国哈特福德艺术学院实验工作室艺术专业。他曾在基层环保运动及和平船上的工作经验,使得他的许多作品都贯穿着强烈的社会政治浪潮。他也因他的扫描仪摄影而闻名,用许多图像拼贴,制作人体肖像。Jamie鼓励自己的研究对象通过他们的姿势、道具、衣服来表达自己。由此产生的形象是诚实的,亲密的,充满了强烈的个性感。Jamie是一个很难定义的艺术家,如果说要定义他,那就是他创作艺术的全新方式,没有主题是禁忌的,没有工艺或材料是禁忌的,他把实验作为创造力背后的驱动力,致力于终身对实验艺术的创作。
Jamie McCartney is an English artist, trained at Hartford Art School, USA, from where he graduated with highest honours in 1991. Having worked on grass roots environmental campaigns as well as on a peace boat in his youth, a strong socio-political current runs through many of his works. He is also increasingly known for his scanner photography, producing life body portraits, collaged from many images. Jamie encourages his subjects to express themselves through their poses and use of their own props and clothes. The resulting images are honest, intimate and imbued with a strong sense of personality. Jamie is an artist who is hard to define, if there is a McCartney signature it is his completely fresh approach to making art. No subject is taboo, no process or material is off limits, he embraces experiment as the driving force behind his creativity, he devoted his life to the creation of experimental art.
周四 9.20
周五 9.21
周六-周日 9.22-23
上一篇:2018AFIH | 展览现场
下一篇:2018影像上海 | 展览现场