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禾木空間成立于2011年,是一家致力于推广中国优秀当代艺术的专业画廊。作为一家年轻的艺术机构,“禾木”将是一个开放的空间,它不仅提供给艺术家一个展示优质作品的平台,同时它也将积极关注当下艺术的发展与年轻艺术家的成长,努力架构一个当代艺术自由交流与讨论的平台。 空间位于北京百子湾苹果社区国际艺术园内,比邻今日美术馆。展厅分为上下两层,面积约为200平方米。 Hemuse Gallery, established in 2011, is a professional gallery which aims to promote the finest contemporary Chinese Art. As a young art institution, The gallery is an open space which not only provides artists a platform to show their high quality works, but also cares about the development of contemporary art and young artists’ growing, the gallery is trying its best to build a platform for free exchange and discussion on contemporary art. Hemuse Gallery, located in Beijing International Art Plaza, Baiziwan, adjacent to Today Art Museum. The exhibition hall is divided into two floors, which covers an area of about 200 square meters.

联 系 人:

地  址:北京朝阳区百子湾路32号院苹果社区北区3-038

电  话:8610 5807 4802

座  机:

邮  箱:info@hemusegallery.com