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  上海大剧院画廊由中美合资的上海大剧院艺术设计有限公司经营管理。经营者具有长期从事国际性文化艺术活动及营销业务的资深经验,在促进中外文化交流、开拓艺术市场、销售艺术作品等方面成绩卓著,在海内外享有良好声誉。上海大剧院画廊代理多位海内外知名画家与雕塑家。   上海大剧院画廊地处市中心,周边为上海美术馆、上海博物馆等标志性的文化设施。展示面积为1000平方米,展线280米,展板高度2.7-3米。装潢现代,设施齐全,环境幽雅,是一座现代化的一流艺术展示厅。在此曾举办过许多大中型艺术展览、国际交流展和艺术讲座。   热忱欢迎海内外艺术家加盟,并欢迎艺术家与艺术团体前来举办展览和艺术沙龙活动。   Shanghai Grand Theater Gallery, managed by Shanghai Grand Theater Fine Art & Design Co.,Ltd., is a window of fine art for both Chinese and foreign artists. The executives have a rich experience in promoting, marketing and selling fine art in various markets. It has participated art fairs in New York, Los Angeles, Shanghai, Chengdu, etc. to promote dozens of artists it has represented. It sponsors and organizes a variety of shows and events throughout the year.   The gallery is considered one of the best in China and a representative one in the metropolitan city of Shanghai. Located in downtown Shanghai, it has a space of over 1,000 square meters and opens daily all the year round. It welcomes art groups and organizations, artists and art lovers to hold exhibitions and art related events.

联 系 人:

地  址:上海黄陂北路286号(近上海美术馆)

电  话:021-63868686转3103,3104

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