- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 3.5分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:14年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:上海-普陀-莫干山路M50艺术区
2013-08-02 13:42:28
对于一个人而言,享受一种生活状态,也讨厌这种生活状态,这是日常的,但也是矛盾的。这不仅是感知维度的差异, 还是个人对感知与错觉关系的某种体验性表述。艺术家对感知的控制、反思和对实在的追求,是一种尝试去理解生活的方式。这种实践的难度在于, 我们往往对生活情境的描述、对社会空间气氛的再现与隐喻、对感知与物象存在的因果关系的关注、以及经常被忽视却最接近于日常矛盾展现的知觉麻木的审视,都很难避免地落入与主观现实和解的秩序中。
在这个似乎每个人都熟悉和担忧的现实里,或在每个人还没有回过神来就被置于眼前的变化的现实里,或是处于一种枯燥乏味的状况与无距离的雷同视角的迷失中,我们如何理解生活状况与归属形式,显得尤为重要。总的来看,虽然艺术家无法避开个人感知趋向的常规表达逻辑,但是他们仍试图从注视那些还未被 “共识”的物开始,质疑意识形态对事物的虚假描述和感知对物的似是似非的、可有可无的粗暴反应。这是艺术家长时间关注或注视身边事物的动机与实践基础,也提供了我们理解日常的另一种视角与方式。
Rethinking Routine
One person, while enjoying their life, at the same time hates this life. This is a conflicting feeling which has become routine in contemporary life. It is not only as a result of the different dimensions of peoples’ senses and feelings towards life but also their experimental expressions and misconceptions. The way in which these artists attempt to understand life is through the controlled reflection of their senses and feelings in their pursuit of actuality. The difficulty of this practice is that when we are describing life’s situations, reproducing the metaphoric atmosphere of a social space or drawing attention to the relationship between our senses with certain objects and situations, we in fact tend to often lose our senses therefore demonstrating our inevitable compromise with reality.
In this reality, with which everyone is seemingly familiar, which is changing without our realization and in which people are becoming lost in boring situations and acquiring mundane and invariable perspectives, our understanding of life and our placement within it has become even more important. In general, even though it is hard for artists to express personal feelings whilst at the same time avoiding the conventional way of thinking, they still attempt to question the false ideological description of things, indifferent and careless attitudes and artificial perceptions by starting to focus on those things which have yet to be “consented.” This constant observation of life’s routine is not only the basis of artistic practice and these artists’ inspiration but it also provides the viewer with an alternative perspective and unique way of understanding life.�