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兆镕画廊是一家以经营现当代艺术品为主的新办画廊,兆镕之名,寓意“包容万象,有容乃大”,开辟了一方新的艺术天地。 兆镕画廊是一家专业的,有时代性,当代性和学术性的画廊。把握当代,关注未来,追求卓越。致力于推广成熟,有学术地位的艺术家和挖掘有潜力,有才华的年轻艺术家。兆镕画廊是为艺术家和美术爱好者搭建的一座艺术桥梁,这个艺术平台让美的艺术品走进大家的生活。让您享受艺术带来的无与伦比的美好体验。 我们希望更多的人轻松愉悦地走进艺术的世界,从作品中发现非凡的艺术价值。也希望我们推出的每一幅作品,在大家喜欢的同时,能具有艺术性和收藏价值。 在兆镕画廊里,端起一杯清茶,透过缭绕的香雾,静静地欣赏,触摸每一幅艺术作品。与那些钟爱生活的艺术家们进行无声的交流;感悟艺术的深厚和醇美,享受体贴而温馨的服务,与艺术进行一场灵魂的对话。 Rong Gallery is a new gallery who deals in contemporary artworks.The name of Rong means”all-inclusive”,it created a new art space. Rong Gallery is a professional and academic gallery who advance with the times.It grasps the opportunity,pays close attention to the future and will pursue being outstanding.Meanwhile,Rong Gallery is dedicated to spread the mature artists with high academic rank and seek gifted young artists who have the potential.Among others, Rong Gallery built a bridge between artists and art lovers.This art space will make arts walk into our life.All the will give you artistic enjoyment which is beyond compare. We wish people to walk in the palace of art with pleasure and find the greatest artistic level of the artworks.And we wish people like the artworks that we launched who have artistic and collection value. In Rong Gallery,sipping a cup of steaming tea,appreciating and touching the artworks.You can feel the passions of the artists who love life and realize the charm of art.Alse,you can enjoy our warm and attentive services while you are having a intensive communication with art.

联 系 人:

地  址:上海浦东新区浦建路38号1F喜来登酒店1F,No.38 Pujian Road Shanghai ,200127 China Sheraton Hotel

电  话:021-50761261

座  机:

邮  箱:service@ronggallery.com