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2014-05-27 10:08:55          



SRP-The Home Art Project #1


SRP will give you a new show: [1-3-301] on this Children's Day, 1st of June 2014! 

For the first time a show of "The Home Art Project". 

We want to bring up a discussion about the possibility, that contemporary art steps in the ordinary family life.

The name of the show [1-3-301] is the number of Boyan Li’s house where the exhibition takes place. Boyan Li, the founder of SRP, lives in a large residential area, which is located in Beichen District, Tianjin. Compared to downtown, this area is more peaceful and quiet. The house has 130 square meters, which includes one bedroom, one children's room, one workroom, one living room and open kitchen, in addition, two bathrooms.

Boyan Li has an ordinary chinese family, consisting of three members: father, mother and a child. Boyan Li is an artist and also works as teacher, his wife is a screenwriter of film and television. They live together with their two and a half years old daughter.

To support this new show, Boyan Li brought up an idea to made his own family being the background to hold this show. According to the rule of "The Home Art Project”, the owner of the family can participate in and decide the direction and the time of the show.

So, after a discussion, this couple decided to hold the show on Children's Day, as a gift to their daughter. On that day there will be 7 artists come together at the show. All works are produced after communication with the family.

Welcome to [1-3-301], to see the family and to see the artworks.



Dongdong Cai

Shuai Fu

Sabrina Franz

Anna Schütten

Xiaoxing Sun

Nils Weiligmann

Yupeng Zhang


Duration:2014.6.1.—2014.6.7   17:00—18:00

Opening: 2014.6.1  16:00

Address: 1-3-301,Huan Jing Yuan,Bao Cui Hua Du,Bei Chen District,TIAN JIN,CHINA


Sponsor :New Century Art Foundation
