Lelege Art opened in the Autumn of 2012. The gallery is located in B-03, YuanYang New Express Building, North road of the East Third Ring, Beijing,….. It has held tens of domestic and international exhibitions since opening, including “Feel Paris”, “Changing: Abstracts in China”, “Images on Paper:Yin Zhaoyang’s Works on Paper”, etc.
“Art is from our soul and inner drive”
Through its active involvement, Lelege Art has been devoting itself to the promotion and support of the contemporary art in China. It presents works by those artists who have been dedicated to art creation with their soul and have formed their own artistic system. Lelege Art aims to provide an innovative forum for contemporary art, using a mixture of exhibition, publishing, collection and aesthetic education, etc.
联 系 人:顾小姐
地 址:北京市朝阳区远洋新干线B商底B03力利记艺术空间
电 话:+010 84467702
座 机:
邮 箱:lelegeart@lelege.cn