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尤伦斯限量艺术品是国内首家按照国际标准进行制作,获得艺术家独家授权,严格限量,亲笔签名编号,专业装裱,附有尤伦斯出品钢印及限量版艺术品证书。目前,尤伦斯艺术商店是国内唯一一家与如此庞大的知名当代艺术家群体合作的艺术商店,艺术家有:方力钧、黄永砯、刘小东、隋建国、王广义、王庆松、杨福东、杨少斌、岳敏君、张晓刚等30多位。限量版艺术品涵括了版画、雕塑、照片、装置等类别。尤伦斯艺术商店是当代艺术和大众需求的结合场,限量版艺术品作为一种载体起到延续展览后的教育功能,同时因其收藏价值和升值空间而成为艺术爱好者收藏之始的首选。 UCCA Limited Editions is China’s leading retailer of collector-quality, limited-edition artwork. Our limited-edition works are produced under exclusive license from the artist and subject to stringent quality standards and carefully-controlled edition size. Each work in a series is personally signed and numbered by the artist, professionally packaged or framed, and accompanied by an embossed certificate of authenticity. No other store or institution in China offers such a broad range of limited edition lithography, photography, sculpture, ceramics and installation work by the biggest names in Chinese contemporary art: Fang Lijun, Huang Yongping, Liu Xiaodong, Sui Jianguo, Wang Guangyi, Wang Qingsong, Yang Fudong, Yang Sha

联 系 人:胡女士

地  址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区

电  话:18510622663

座  机:01057800216

邮  箱:editions@ucca.org.cn