Pipal Gallery 画廊作为在马来西亚经营国际艺术品20多年的成熟画廊,Pipal Gallery首次来到中国,并尝试着将不同风格的来自世界各地的现代艺术家们的作品逐步引入,为爱好艺术的人们提供更多,更丰富的审美选择。
Pipal Galley 画廊在以后的日子里,会定期的举行各种风格的画展,包括更多不同风格的国外艺术家,也会逐渐将眼光投向正在蓬勃成长的中国青年艺术家,努力成为一个沟通中国与世界的艺术平台。
Pipal Gallery is the brand set up in China by Pipal Fine Art Gallery which has been operating in Kuala Lumper, Malaysia for more than two decades, presenting art works from many artists from all over the world such as USA, UK, Singapore and many other countries.
Pipal Gallery came to the Canton Place, aiming to provide Chinese and international people with original mordern art works from artists around the world, integrating contemporary art in to noble community culture. Pipal Gallery will be an institution displaying high quality art works, which will bring people with beauty and enjoyment, making arts become a living thing within reach.
Pipal Gallery will held various exhibition and art activities, we will change according to different themes, and also carefully select paintings and sculptures in line with the Oriental aesthetic features.
2014-04-26 celebration 形色
2013-11-15 Resonance 合奏
2014-09-06 wisdom 般若
2015-01-31 innerworld 心境
联 系 人:李汉涛
地 址:广东广州天河区珠江新城海清街凯旋新世界广粤天地86号
电 话:13503014285
座 机:020 3821707
邮 箱:pipalgallery@163.com