苗王画廊创建于2001年10月1日国庆节,前生位于徐家汇繁荣的商业街,2003年3月迁至学术氛围浓厚的莫干山M50.本画廊有一批优秀的中青年当代艺术家。他们有扎实的学院派绘画底功,非凡的绘画思想,独到的观察能力。艺术家们本着推动世界文化交流与交融为己任;为世界和平文化的繁荣,而传播中华名族优秀传统文化而努力;画廊因为有你的牵手,所以倍感温暖。谢谢大家,让我们共同进步。 The gallery profile: Miao king gallery founded in October 1, 2001 the National Day, prelife is located in xujiahui prosperous business street, March 2003 moved to academic atmosphere thick moganshan M50. This gallery has a number of outstanding young contemporary artists. They have a solid academic painting bottom work, especially painting ideas, unique observation ability. Artists in the world to promote cultural exchange and blends as the own duty; For world peace cultural prosperity, and spreading the Chinese nation excellent traditional culture and effort; The gallery because of your hand in hand, so feel warm. Thank you, let us make progress together.
2006-03-22 杨浦大拇指广场“马艺星春季冲动再冲动”艺
2006-06-03 韩国民通线艺术节邀请展
2012-12-06 莫干山路中日建交四十周年当代中日画家作品
2014-10-02 香港港丽举办亚洲当代艺术展
2016-05-13 2016(第九届)杭州艺术博览会

联 系 人:周晓雁
地 址:上海市普陀区莫干山路50号M50 4B 109室-111室
电 话:+86 13817437864
座 机:+021 62985037
邮 箱:chenxiangdongart@163.com