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- 经营时间:41年
- 展厅面积:100平米
- 地 区:台湾-台湾地区
抽象水墨新氣象 劉國松藝術微噴限量發行
2015-10-27 10:16:23 作者:陸潔民 来源:首都藝術中心
2014 may be called “The year of Giclee” in the art history. Internationally renowned galleries and museums are all using the technique of Giclee to reproduce famous original artworks in their collections. At the end of 2013, the Van Gogh Museum of Netherland presented the “The Relievo collection by Van Gogh” exhibition in Taiwan. With the limited quantity of 260 and the cost of one million NT Dollars (25,000 Euros) each, the allotment of 10 for Taiwan was sold out in a short time. In January, 2014, the “Master of Light – Vermeer” exhibition at the Sun Yet San Memorial in Taipei, also presented all 37 paintings of Vermeer collected by 18 different museums throughout the world in Giclee form. The acceptance of Giclee products by museums in promoting artworks will influence the general art market positively.
The Dominancy of the Asia Art Community by the Father of Contemporary Ink Painting, Master Liu Guo Song
事實上,藝術微噴幾年前在歐美市場早已成熟。剛結束的瑞士2014Art Basel中,為戰後最值錢的德國藝術家李希特舉辦「李希特─Pictures/Series」大展。展覽場的盛大氣勢,掀起李希特作品在各大拍場的熱潮,其中最受矚目的《貝蒂(Betty)》,在倫敦佳士得2014夏季拍賣送拍這幅作品的「限量藝術微噴」,預估落槌價將超過2010年拍賣38萬美元的價格。
As a matter of fact, Giclee, as a reproduction tool, has been mature in the European and American markets. There was an exhibition, “Richter—Pictures/Series”, for the German Artist Gerhard Richter in the Swiss 2014 Art Basel. The popularity of the exhibition caused another bidding wave in auction houses over the world. The most noticeable one is the Giclee limited reproduction of “Betty” at the summer auction of Christie's in London. The expected auction price will exceed the 380,000 US Dollars price established in 2010.
劉國松老師在當今藝術市場有其不可被取代之地位。世界畫廊於香港2014 Art Basel為亞洲藝術家劉國松舉辦「回眸‧從六十年代至現在」個人回顧展,劉國松老師更受邀為首映座談會的藝術家。有鑑於此,劉老師的限量藝術微噴肯定引發全球收藏風潮。
Master Liu Guo Song has attained a position that cannot be replaced in the current art market. In the Hong Kong Art Basel, the World Gallery presented an exhibition for Master Liu, “A Backward Glance, from 60’s to Now”. Master Liu was the artist presiding in the seminar during the opening of the exhibition. The limited Giclee series of Master Liu’s work will definitely bring another wave of collection in the world.
New Generation of Exquisite Art Collectables – Giclee Reproduction
在談到劉國松老師限量藝術品的價值之前,我們先來探討藝術微噴的發展史。「藝術微噴」(Giclee),是日本Epson(愛普生)公司80年代傳真機發展以來,領先全球的最新科技,無論原料抗褪 “Ultrachrome HDR” 色墨水的本質或是高解析噴墨技術均已十分成熟穩定,其百年抗光防水顏料墨水能取代既有的印刷術,可達光照百年永不褪色的境界,是時代演進下的新一代藝術品複製工法。
Before we discuss the value of Master Liu’s Giclee Reproduction, let us explore the history of Giclee development. The Giclee technology is the world-class leading technology developed by Epson of Japan, a refinement of the common ink-jet scanner developed in the 80s. This high-resolution ink-jet technology and their “Ultrachrome HDK” color ink are all time-proven, mature and stable. The 100-year light resistance of the products cannot be matched by the current printing methods. It is the most advanced printing technology at this time for high value articles.
We denote this new technology as “Giclee” instead of using the more traditional “Digital Lithography” because of this precise, advanced technology, with the professional control, can approach almost perfect reproduction of the original. This state cannot be attained by any other existing Lithographic method.
劉國松藝術精品 首都領軍限量發行
Master Liu’s Masterful Work of Art Capital Art Center Leading the Way of Limited Production
Because of the extremely high resemblance to the original, Giclee reproduction is the technology that can reproduce artwork with the highest fidelity in history. The Giclee Limited-quantity Lithography has been employed by many Chinese artists in the Sur-realistic and Realistic market in Mainland China. Artists such as Wang Yi Dong, Leng Jun, He Duo Ling, Ai Xuan, etc. have made Giclee their first choice of artwork presentations. Other younger artists such as Liu Ye, Zhou Chun Ya, etc. follow their lead closely. Obviously, the art collection market in Mainland China has embraced this new high technology readily.
In Taiwan, York Hsiao, Chairman of Capital Art Center, realizing the future market development trend and the full potential of the new technology, works with Master Liu on Giclee projects starting in 2005. Recently, Master Liu’s original paintings may be the most marketable art work in the collection market in Taiwan. His revolutionary and unique “Paper Fiber” texture technique can be reproduced perfectly with the Giclee technology. Capital Art Center opens up your collecting vision with their consistent credibility and the latest technology. Every item is strictly selected and under constant monitoring in every step of process. Each item is quantity limited and is signed by the artist himself.
令人振奮的是,首都藝術中心,特地與法國Art Trust認證公司合作。製作了新型無法偽造,不可重複使用的氣泡編碼。收藏家可以利用專屬的氣泡編碼,直接在網上確認收藏品的真偽。劉國松老師的簽名限量藝術微噴,可說是多一層安全保障。
Capital Art Center worked with Art Trust Company of France to apply their new temper-proof, non-reusable bubble number to the Giclee products. Each collector can use their own bubble number to check the authenticity of their collection on the Web. That is one more security protection for collecting Master Liu’s Giclee Limited Reproduction with the artist’s own signature.
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