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2011-04-15 11:02:17          

  由顾振清策划的“裸露的人性”李占洋雕塑个展将于2007年1月7日(星期日) 15:00在朱屺瞻艺术馆展出。   李占洋是个能说会道的风趣艺术家,跟他在一起总能被他的爽朗的笑声打动,以及他绘声绘色的跟你讲述一些他身边所发生的故事。   等你听完他精彩的故事,再去看他的作品,就会被他精心打造的作品感动。那是一幕幕发生在社会现实生活中的真实故事,日常得甚至令人熟视无睹。他把那些故事定格、转变为一组组静态的情景人物雕塑,却获得了一种极具个性色彩的视觉张力。我们往往不经意地走入他的故事场景当中,感受现在进行时式的叙事模式,并惊异于艺术家所提醒的我们身边那些时常被忽略的生活细节。   “裸露的人性”这个展览是李占洋现实主义创作手法又一淋漓尽致的呈现。日常生活中创作雕塑作品已经是他不可缺少的情感宣泄,这次他给大家带来18组大小各异的雕塑作品,它们分别描绘了他在不同时期身边所经历的一些事情。就让我们一起分享他生活中的每一个记忆。   在2007年新年伊始,朱屺瞻艺术馆再次给广大观众奉献上李占洋来自中国本土社会语境的精彩作品。   The Naked Human Nature   A Solo Exhibition on Li Zhanyang’s Sculpture   With a sense of humor, Li Zhanyang can always drive your heart by his chipper laughter and his lively narrations on the daily stories happened around himself.   Then when you read his sculptures later, your heart would be touched again by those explicitly produced works on scenes of everyday life in our society, which are even too real to be noticed and remembered. He freezes these moments and turns them to sets of sculpture works of static human characters. These works, speaking loudly by his individuality, give out a strong and unique visual impact. When walking into the scenes produced by his works easily without awareness, and caught in his narrative style of present tense, you would be shocked by his reminding on the easily neglected details of life.   “Naked Human Nature” is one another full representation of Li Zhanyang’s realistic sculpture style. Ordinary life has always been the source and catharsis of his emotions for art. The 18 sets of works exhibited here have well described his experience encountered in different stages of life, which are an association of every drops of his memory he presents to share with every one of you.   At the very beginning of Year 2007, Zhu Qizhan Art Museum presents Li Zhanyang’s art works in China’s local context, for all of our interested audience.
