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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 0分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:26年
- 展厅面积:350平米
- 地 区:上海-长宁

王易罡 艺术家官网
出生年份: | |
籍 贯: | |
• 1985年“全国青年美展”获鼓励奖;
• 1991年“全国建党七十周年美展”获铜牌;
• 1992年“中国广州双年展”获提名奖;
• 1993年“中国油画双年展”获学术奖;
• 2007年 美国亚洲文化学院颁发当代艺术杰出贡献奖;
• 1989年《终止对于某些结果的渴望》发表于《美苑》并收录在《中国人民大学复印资料》;
• 1995年《非神圣.非崇高的当代艺术》发表于《美苑》;
• 1996年《谈国际文化权力》发表于《江苏画刊》;
• 1999年《规则与超越》发表于《美苑》;
• 2000年《境遇与选择》发表于《美苑》并发表于“雅虎”艺术电子网站
• 1998年 出版专著《色彩艺术的表现》辽宁美术出版社出版;
• 1999年 出版专著《当代视觉艺术分析》辽宁美术出版社出版 ;
• 1999年 主编《99开启通道》东宇美术馆收藏作品集;
• 2007年 出版专著《美国制造》国际中国文化出版;
• 2007年 出版专著《艺术家.图像志》国际中国文化出版社;
• 2008年 出版专著《这不是中国山水》上海华氏文化发展有限公司;
In 1961, born in Qiqiha’er City,Heilongjiang Province;
In 1986, graduated from the Oil Painting Department at Luxun Academy of Fine Arts,and then became a teacher at the Art Department in the Teachers’ Institute of Shenyang University;
In 1993, became an associate professor at the Art Department in the Teachers’ Institute of Shenyang University;
In 1997, was transferred to Luxun Academy of Fine Arts as an associate professor until now;
In 1999-2003, pluralismed as the curator of Dongyu Art Museum;
At present, being the curator of Art Museum of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts and the researcher of Creation Center of China Art Academy
In 1985 “National Art Exhibition of the Young Artists” got encouraging prize;
In 1991 “National Art Exhibition for the Founding of the Party’s 70th Anniversary” got the bronze prize;
In 1992 “China-Guangzhou Biennial” got nomination prize;
In 1993 “China Oil Painting Biennial” got Academic prize;
In 2007 U.S. Asian Culture Instittute of Contemporary Art presented the Outstanding Contribution Award;
Academic Thesis
In 1989 “Stop the Eager for Some Result” has been published in Mei Yuan and was collected in Coping Materials in China Perple’s University;
In 1995 “Non-holy and Non-lofty Contemporary Art” has been published in Mei Yuan;
In 1996 “Talking International Cultuer Right” has been published in Jiangshu Art Magazine;
In 1999 “Principles and Surpass” has been published in Mei Yuan;
In 2000 “Circumstances and Choice” has been published in Mei Yuan and represented in the art field of Yahoo net;
Academic Monographes
In 1998 “the Expression of Color Art”, Published By Liaoning Press of Fine Arts;
In 1999 “the Analyse of the Contemporary Visual Art”, published by Liaoning Press of Fine Arts;
General Editor of “99 Opening Passage”, Collection Portofolio of Dongyu Art Gallery;
In 2007 “Made in UAS” published by international Publishing House for China`s culture;
In2007 “Artist iconography-” published by international Publishing House for China`s culture;
In2008 “This is not Chinese Landscape” published by shanghai Hws`s Cultural Development Co.,Ltd;
• 1985年“全国青年美展”获鼓励奖;
• 1991年“全国建党七十周年美展”获铜牌;
• 1992年“中国广州双年展”获提名奖;
• 1993年“中国油画双年展”获学术奖;
• 2007年 美国亚洲文化学院颁发当代艺术杰出贡献奖;
• 1989年《终止对于某些结果的渴望》发表于《美苑》并收录在《中国人民大学复印资料》;
• 1995年《非神圣.非崇高的当代艺术》发表于《美苑》;
• 1996年《谈国际文化权力》发表于《江苏画刊》;
• 1999年《规则与超越》发表于《美苑》;
• 2000年《境遇与选择》发表于《美苑》并发表于“雅虎”艺术电子网站
• 1998年 出版专著《色彩艺术的表现》辽宁美术出版社出版;
• 1999年 出版专著《当代视觉艺术分析》辽宁美术出版社出版 ;
• 1999年 主编《99开启通道》东宇美术馆收藏作品集;
• 2007年 出版专著《美国制造》国际中国文化出版;
• 2007年 出版专著《艺术家.图像志》国际中国文化出版社;
• 2008年 出版专著《这不是中国山水》上海华氏文化发展有限公司;
In 1961, born in Qiqiha’er City,Heilongjiang Province;
In 1986, graduated from the Oil Painting Department at Luxun Academy of Fine Arts,and then became a teacher at the Art Department in the Teachers’ Institute of Shenyang University;
In 1993, became an associate professor at the Art Department in the Teachers’ Institute of Shenyang University;
In 1997, was transferred to Luxun Academy of Fine Arts as an associate professor until now;
In 1999-2003, pluralismed as the curator of Dongyu Art Museum;
At present, being the curator of Art Museum of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts and the researcher of Creation Center of China Art Academy
In 1985 “National Art Exhibition of the Young Artists” got encouraging prize;
In 1991 “National Art Exhibition for the Founding of the Party’s 70th Anniversary” got the bronze prize;
In 1992 “China-Guangzhou Biennial” got nomination prize;
In 1993 “China Oil Painting Biennial” got Academic prize;
In 2007 U.S. Asian Culture Instittute of Contemporary Art presented the Outstanding Contribution Award;
Academic Thesis
In 1989 “Stop the Eager for Some Result” has been published in Mei Yuan and was collected in Coping Materials in China Perple’s University;
In 1995 “Non-holy and Non-lofty Contemporary Art” has been published in Mei Yuan;
In 1996 “Talking International Cultuer Right” has been published in Jiangshu Art Magazine;
In 1999 “Principles and Surpass” has been published in Mei Yuan;
In 2000 “Circumstances and Choice” has been published in Mei Yuan and represented in the art field of Yahoo net;
Academic Monographes
In 1998 “the Expression of Color Art”, Published By Liaoning Press of Fine Arts;
In 1999 “the Analyse of the Contemporary Visual Art”, published by Liaoning Press of Fine Arts;
General Editor of “99 Opening Passage”, Collection Portofolio of Dongyu Art Gallery;
In 2007 “Made in UAS” published by international Publishing House for China`s culture;
In2007 “Artist iconography-” published by international Publishing House for China`s culture;
In2008 “This is not Chinese Landscape” published by shanghai Hws`s Cultural Development Co.,Ltd;