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  苏蒙画廊(Soemo-fine-arts)是致力于中国当代艺术品推广、传播及开展国际艺术交流的专业机构。苏蒙画廊的创办者Jareth Soemodihardjo(荷兰),于2005年底来到中国后,对中国的当代艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣,并着手创办Soemo-fine-arts。宗旨向国际艺术收藏机构和收藏家推广优秀的中国艺术家作品,同时定期策化,组织国际展览。为国内外的优秀艺术家搭建一个良好的展示平台。   Soemo Fine Arts was established by Dutchman Jareth Soemodihardjo in 2006 and is run in co-operation with individuals based both in China and the West. We are devoted to presenting the works of a selected group of both emerging Contemporary Chinese Artists as well as talent not yet discovered by the world and take great interest in helping them to expand their careers both in China and abroad.   To better identify current artistic trends in the fast-changing Chinese society Soemo Fine Arts has established a gallery in Beijing, from where we have build many close relationships with artists from Beijing, Chengdu and Chongqing. Because of our extensive network within the Chinese Art world we have access to works of a vast amount of upcoming and emerging artists from China.   With our knowledgeable team we are able to advise our clientele on various business and artistic decisions and are able to source and function as an intermediary with buyers and collectors from around the world as well as creating a substantial contribution to the renaissance of Chinese contemporary art.

联 系 人:

地  址:北京通州宋庄画家村小堡南街66号

电  话:010-80923038 89579113

座  机:

邮  箱:Lucy@soemo-fine-arts.com