- 资质:
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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.1分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:18年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:香港-香港地区-其他
2019-12-03 10:18:59
Blossom – A Female Contemporary Art Exhibition grand opened on 16th August, 2019 at Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery. This “Blossom” themed exhibition gathers 20 female artists from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, aims at capturing and keeping the highlight of each flower, showing rich heart and pliable power of female artists. SHPD,Art News of China,Tai Kung Pao,Asia Times, Honorary Magazine and other media came for detail coverage.
We are honoured to have Mr.Lam Kwong Siu SBS, Dr. Tsui Sai Wo, Dr. Raymond Wong, Professor Lv Jigang, Professor Li Kesheng, Mr. Wong Sau Tsing as the officiating guests and gave speech during the ceremony. Ms. Guan Yi, who could not appear at the opening, also prepared a letter of greetings. They expressed their praise of the artist's works. Also affirmed that Art of Nature have promoted the prosperity and development of female art.
Art of Nature Int’l Founder and President, Hong Kong Art of Nature Int’l Female Art Research Society President Ms Cissy Cheung expressed that she will continue to promote female arts. Art cultivates temperament through, even influences and educates people, thereby to ameliorate the utilitarian social atmosphere.
Free admission to the exhibition from now until September 10th.
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