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  2007年4月壹空间画廊开业于北京艺术界最炙手可热的798艺术区。   这个由工厂改建而成的画廊拥有425平方米的双层展示空间,墙面是艺术区内最大的展示墙面之一。   每个月壹空间画廊都会推出一次展览,展示的作品形式风格多样, 从绘画到行为艺术,从装置艺术到影像。 Last April 2007 Beijing TS1 gallery opened in the 798 art district, the core of Beijing’s booming art scene. The converted factory boasts a 400 square metres space with two exhibition floors, as well as one of the area’s largest exhibition walls. Every month TS1 gallery is proud to present a selection of significant free thinking work, using every medium from painting to performance, installation to video.

联 系 人:

地  址:798大山子艺术区北京酒仙桥2号B区(耐克展厅背后)

电  话:+86 (0)10 59789794

座  机:

邮  箱:ts1beijing@gmail.com