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Hadrien de Montferrand画廊将致力于展示中国当代艺术家的纸上作品 “一副绘画手稿作品传达的是最初的情感迸发和激情。”画廊创立者Hadrien de Montferrand如是说,“在过去的几年中,中国当代艺术作品在艺术领域占据了非常重要的地位,而探寻发现这一艺术形式的绘画根源至关重要。无论是一幅艺术作品的草图还是艺术作品本身,从中我们都能体会到艺术家纯粹的天赋。” Hadrien de Montferrand画廊将专注于这一未经充分开发的当代艺术领域,向国内外艺术收藏家和爱好者提供知名画家的各类纸上艺术作品,包括铅笔画、水墨画、水彩画、毡笔画、炭粉画、水粉画等。

Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery is the first gallery in China entirely dedicated to original works on paper.
“A drawing shows the first outburst, the expression of passion”says Hadrien de Montferrand. “It is essential to discover the pictorial roots of Chinese contemporary Art which has taken on such importance over the past few years. Whether it is a sketch for an Art piece or a work of Art in itself, the drawing allows us to witness pure talent”.

Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery has chosen to specialize in this undeveloped field of contemporary Art offering international Art collectors and amateurs alike established painters’ works of Art in pencil, ink, gouache, felt, charcoal, watercolor, and any other medium used on paper. 

联 系 人:HDM

地  址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区院内

电  话:18611572006

座  机:18611572006

邮  箱:press@hdemontferrand.com