NUOART位于北京黄金艺术区798艺术园内,是一家专门推介中国当代艺术,拥有 300 平米专业化展厅,融商业运作、学术研讨、国际交流为 一体的专业艺术机构。 NUOART致力于挖掘推广和代理收藏当代中国优秀的艺术作品。在国内外艺术品市场,NUOART 都拥有成功的国际 标准化运作经验,为专业机构和私人藏家提供专业的服务。
NUOART is located in 798 art district which is the top fashion club in Beijing prime area. Superficial content is 300 squire meters. NUOART is a professional art managing organization, which including commercial operation, academic research and international exchange. NUOART has been focus on exploring and promoting the highest Chinese contemporary art works in China. With years of fruity knowledge and experiences on art investment and collection, both in China and abroad, NUOART is qualified to provide the professional services to institutions and individual collectors.
联 系 人:郑挪
地 址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院798艺术区706北一街B07号
电 话:13910207070
座 机:(8610)57163852
邮 箱:nuoartgallery@nuoart.com