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2011-04-15 11:31:21          

  焦墨人物画舍弃了水墨画中的墨韵变化,排除了墨分五彩的传统观念,惜水如金,将墨色层次浓缩到极致,用浓浓的重墨和焦墨勾勒铸画。充分利用焦墨团块形成强烈的墨白对比,以大块焦墨团块构成画面主 体,再用铁铸似的线条穿插其间,造成凝重有力,慑人心魄的艺术效果。

  The Metal-like Lines Casting Deep Feelings
  By Wang Tongren
  As it is said, ‘‘the difficulty in carrying out one’s will lies in overcoming his own self, but not otherwise.”  In the years of surpassing myself, very often I trudge in puzzlement and deep thought.
  Art relies on spirit for its vitality, whereas the eternal might of man’s spirit comes from creation. The true art is the crystallization of feeling, intelligence and life.
  It is my life-long goal to portray the times and convey the spirit of the highland. The rough, unaffected and vitalized character of men and women on the loess plateau as well as the hidden inner beauty of the Nature are worthy of expression, which, in truth, is the source of my art life, reinforcing the principle of my creation as ‘‘painting must come straight out of the heart”.
  Art is eternal. One has to give up the self-confidence that he can benefit from the old, and set up a new type of conviction in adventure, if he really wants to make breakthrough in his art. It is a long process of knowing and practicing, from sketch expressing one’s heart to creating images mainly by brushwork, and from brushwork relying on the image to its independent aesthetic effect. For Chinese painting, the simpler the brushwork is, the broader the connotation would be. Here, ‘‘simple” does not only mean the skill or form, but more importantly, it means that, from the very beginning of the approach and composition, one must try to condense and generalize the profound meaning and rich content. Therefore, ‘‘true meaning in simple brushwork” has become the theoretical base when I paint the burned ink figures, as well as the spiritual coordinate guiding the road of my art creation.
  My burned ink figure painting is inspired by the simple and unsophisticated carvings in the Qin and Han Dynasties (221,B.C.~220,A.D.), and drawn in effect from the figure painting on brick plane; it emphasizes the sense of sculpture, completeness and strength, making the object even simpler and more generalized. When ‘‘bone-like brushwork” is strengthened, the picture looks grant and thick, leaving a very strong impression of engraved picture or iron picture or rubbing. Depicting the simple and honest, bitter and endurable inner world of men in the western part of China in such a way, we bring about a strong artistic appeal vividly and incisively.
  The burned ink figure painting, while giving up the charm in various orms of ink and the traditional idea of ‘‘there are five different shades of colour in ink”, reduces the layers of ink to the minimum and uses only the very thick and burned ink to outline the figure: It makes full use of the blocks of burned ink to create a strong contrast between black and white, giving the main subject in the picture big blocks of burned ink, linked with metal-like lines, thus a deep and forceful, heart-striking artistic effect is thus obtained.
  Not to strive for resplendence, refinement and the variety of emptiness and solidity, the burned ink figure painting lays stress on the description of integrity of the character by the strength of the brush, that is, heavily and unsmoothly use the brush, forcefully raise and press the brush, move the brush reversely and conversely, resulting in the beauty of seal-carving, and the bold and hard casting-like looks, the wonder of which lies in between form and formlessness, intention and intentionlessness. The ink comes from the brush naturally and freely. By making calligraphy and painting into one, we reach the artistic realm of ‘‘painting being the highest level of calligraphy, while calligraphy being the ultimate attainment of painting”, and win the independence and aesthetic value of the brush and ink.
  The burned ink figure painting shows its rhythm, dredges its spirit and brings forth its vigour through the arrangement of ‘‘white”: the clever leaving of the blank space is not only the necessity of the form, but also the embodiment of the spirit of the picture itself. Therefore, the white-blank space, which is more abstract than lines, together with burned ink blocks and metal-like lines, creates a quiet and plain beauty of ‘‘ink and white prevailing over the world”. Once the red seal is added to the picture, the three colours of black, white and red produce a clear, void and profound charm, reaching a high level of true feeling by simple brushwork.
  The burned ink figure painting, if exquisite colours are applied, could make the ink brighter by contrast; but if the colours are used improperly, they will confuse the whole relation and weaken the tension of the picture, in that case the colours must be given up and only ink should remain. In order to obtain an eye-catching picture done in fresh ink, sometimes the colours should be as close to the ink as possible, sometimes they should be in its contrast.
