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颂 Song




中国自古有颂——颂天地,颂自然,颂情谊,而整个西方文明史中所浸吟的Song文化,从不同的地域发出,却终将在同一个国度会合。对自然的敬畏,对生命的思考,对未知的寻求,对理想的盼望……当艺术家把这些内心升腾的呼喊掷向广袤的天际,却能听到另一种回音。再回望时,似乎自身的颂咏已经是这种回音引发的反应。音波之间的震颤互动,从远古已经生成,人与天地已经有如此密切深厚的联系。《颂 Song》展览表达了这种美妙的关系,浓缩了各个领域,不同媒介创作的艺术家,涵盖架上绘画、照片综合媒体、雕塑、装置、首饰设计、影像等丰富的创作形式,力图综合呈现艺术家们微妙、和声的世界观。






On 22 March, M Art Center and Mustard Seed Space are pleased to embrace a dual opening, by which SONG, a group exhibition of twelve contemporary artists, and All the Way to Sunset, a solo of emerging artist Zhang Peiyun will be presented. Both of the exhibitions will be on view from 22 March to 21 April 2014.


In ancient Chinese culture, songs are for the heaven and the earth, for the nature and for friendship. In the western civilizations, the Song culture merges from various locations, but leads finally to the same place.  The respect to the nature, the meditation of life, the pursuit of unknown, the longing for the ideal… … all these inner yelling are thrown to the vast universe by our artists, which echo in a different way. Look again, it seems that the song itself has become the response of the echo. Since antiquity, the resonance and interaction of the waves have formed, in which man and the universe has formed such a close connection. Song displays this beautiful relationship by summarizing artists from various fields, with different media, including oil on canvas, photo-multi media, sculpture, installation, jewelry design, video, etc. The rich forms of arts here are to present a subtle but harmonious world perspectives of the artists.


The nearby Mustard Seed Space is devoted to be a nest of emerging artists. This time, by displaying five videos and an installation, it showcases Zhang Peiyun’s initial exploration of light. With the consciousness flowing throughout her works, Zhang aims to merge the sense of daily experience with search of the metaphysical concepts. Therefore, her works are both ways upwards and inwards. Light, a theme since the ancient times, has inspired Bach, Van Gogh and Tarkovsky on their way of art. Tracing the overlapped footprints on this road, Zhang Peiyun is bathing in the spirit of light, which is the greatness in silence. Compared to the over self-centered art in this era, works of Zhang Peiyun reveals a sense of calmness which is beyond her age and wrapped the poetic romanticism in her.


 “Nothing under the sun is truly new”. In this spring revive, two exhibitions are of one thought - how to measure the in-between of the real world and the ideal land. As one of those who raise the question, we invite you to view the exhibition with us.