M艺术空间(M ART CENTER)成立于2007年,位于享誉国际的上海最著名的莫干山路M50艺术园区,由法国著名建筑设计大师夏邦杰先生设计,拥有沿街800平方米的展示空间。数年来支持和发掘多位才华出众的艺术家,成功举办多个有影响力的个展和联展,协办以支持全国美院年轻优秀艺术家为主的M50新锐艺术设计大赛,与国际国内专业策展人、学术评论家共同组织策划并宣传推广艺术家以及作品,通过这个平台将具有代表性和有潜力的艺术家介绍给国内外的收藏家和艺术爱好者。
M Art Center was established in 2007,located in the world-renowned M50 Creative Space on Moganshan Road,Shanghai .The building was designed by famous French architect Jean-Marie Charpentier, with 800 square meters' exhibition space along the street. In these years M art center explored and supported some talented artists and successfully held several influential solo and joint exhibitions.We assist to orgnize "Creative M50" which is intend to support young artists from nation wide Academy of Fine Arts, together with international and domestic professional curators, academic critic.We planned and organized the promotion of the new artists and their works. Through this platform we introduce some representitive and potential artists to collectors and art lovers home and abroad.
联 系 人:Eva
地 址:上海市莫干山路50号2号楼1楼
电 话:62996610
座 机:021-62996610
邮 箱:martcenter@vip.163.com