- 资质:
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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 3.6分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:18年
- 展厅面积:500平米
- 地 区:上海-普陀
《一个圆的太阳 一个点》
- 展览时间:2015-07-11 - 2015-09-10
- 展览城市:上海-普陀
- 展览地点:莫干山路50号2号楼一楼
- 策 展 人:
- 参展人员:
M艺术空间即将推出新展《一个圆的太阳 一个点》。此次展览是旅法青年艺术家王令杰和郝经芳在中国的首次个展。他们艺术创作经常着眼于自然,进而从自然出发,试图探索“物”的最基本概念,以及它们与人所产生的关系。无论是艺术家对自然细致入微的观察,还是对物质材料特性及制作技术上的探究与挖掘,如此种种都将通过空间装置、绘画、视频及雕塑而得到精彩地呈现。展览将于2015年7月11日下午三点开幕,并持续至9月10日。
策展人Hélène Doub 曾用“让人兴奋的矛盾的组合(exaltante alliance des contraires)”来形容艺术家的工作和他们探索的成果。有着工科背景的两位艺术家一方面感兴趣于西方观念艺术,受到其中融合了直觉和逻辑的思考方式的强烈吸引和影响;另一方面,中国哲学中对“有”“无”概念的感性理解和诗意表达始终融入在他们的血液当中。这些造就了艺术家所创作的每件作品,都站立在理性感知和精密构思的双重要素(un principe dialogique)之间,并呈现出一种两极化的风貌:它们既是观念性的,又是富有感性的;它们既具有自然神秘的美感,又有知识科学的复杂性。
关于主题《一个圆的太阳 一个点》,艺术家这样描述:从遥远的空中看来,我们自己,我们的生活,或者地球,甚至太阳都像一粒粒细小的微尘——一个个点。这些点又像海边的沙滩一样,时间冲刷着它们,将它们抚平。我们试图从这些细小的微尘里,找寻一些微弱的,泛着光泽的踪迹,它们看起来似有若无,好像从来就不存在一样。
M Art Center is ready to present a new exhibition “A Round Sun A Dot”, which is the first solo show of Lingjie Wang and Jingfang Hao in China. The young couple is based in France and usually focuses their works on the nature. And nature is their starting point to explore the basic concept of “things” and the relationships with human. The close observation of the nature, also further study and development of the characteristics and the techniques of the materials have been wonderfully demonstrated through their works in space installation, paintings, videos and sculptures. The exhibition will be open at 3 p.m. on 11th July until 10th September.
The curator Hélène Doub once describes the artists and their works as “excellent alliance of contraries” (exaltante alliance des contraires). Sharing a background of engineering, the two artists, on one hand, are interested in western conceptual art, and strongly attracted and influenced by its ideology, which is a mix of intuition and reasoning. On the other, they have inherited the sensitive approach and poetic expression rooted in the concepts of “somethingness” and “nothingness” of Chinese philosophy. All these have made every piece of their works show a principal dialogue (un principe dialogique) between the two extremes, the reasoning perception and the accurate arrangement – it is conceptual, yet emotional; natural, beautiful and mysterious, but as complicated as science.
As for the theme of the exhibition, the artists give their explanation as follows: look down from high up in the air, us ourselves, our lives, the earth, even the sun are just like tiny dusts, like dots. As grains of sand on the beach, these dots have been washed smooth by the waves of time. We attempt to look for something subtle but glittering among them. Yet it is so indistinct that as if it has never existed.
Lingjie Wang and Jingfang Hao studied industrial design in their early years, and then went to France to study and practice contemporary art. They are currently based in France and Shanghai.