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  格丰当代艺术馆(GFAC)是一家致力于发展、融合及培养中西方艺术群体的专业机构,GFAC专注于推广中国的艺术大师和极具潜力的青年艺术家。我们的顾问包括美术馆现任及前任策展人、著名的批评家以及世界级的艺术机构经营者。GFAC环境优美,拥有650平米的展厅,有指定的VIP空间,并拥有过去500年历史的部分艺术大师的杰作,旨在拓宽中国收藏家的视野与收藏。 GeFeng Arts Center(GFAC) is dedicated to the promotion ,integration and education of both the weatern and eastern art communities. GFAC specializes in the prmotion of chinese masters and youth with greet potential.Our consultants include cueeent and former curators of museums ,respectted critics and world class dealers.Our beautiful new center in Shenzhen contains over 650sq meters of display space ,and a VIP room by appointment containing works by some of the greatest Masters of the 500 years ,for the purpose of broadening the Chinese collector’s education and portfolio.

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地  址:深圳市宝安区公园路深圳22艺术区1号楼二楼

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