


  • 编  号:110953
  • 作  者:常青 查看拍卖记录
  • 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)  
  • 库  存: 1
  • 售  价:议价
买家服务热线: 400-601-8111

(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7
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作品信息 作者信息 交易评价 本画廊其他作品
创作年代 不详
作品分类 国画 形制 立轴 技法 兼工带写
材质 纸本 题材 人物
作品标签 名家名作 人体& 肖像 中国元素 经典重现
适用空间 书房 办公室 酒店




出生年份: 1965
籍    贯: 四川-成都


1965年 生于四川成都,自幼习画

Born in Chengdu, Sichuan, started painting since childhood


1984年 毕业于四川美术学院附中

Graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute High School


1989年 毕业于中国美术学院油画系,留附中任教

BA in Oil Painting at China Academy of Arts, assigned as a teacher of Oil Painting Dept. after graduation


1997年 于中国美院油画系任教至今

Professor of Oil Painting Dept. at China Academy of Art





1986年 华东六省一市青年油画作品展 上海-南京,中国

Chinese Youth Oil Painting Exhibition Shanghai-Nanjing, China


世界和平年美术作品展 北京,中国

Fine Arts Exhibition of “The Year of Peace”  Beijing, China


1987年 首届中国油画展 上海,中国

The 1st Chinese National Oil Painting Exhibition Shanghai, China


1988年 中国当代油画展 纽约,美国

The Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Oil Paintings New York, USA


1989年 第七届全国美展 北京,中国

The 7th National Art Exhibition Beijing, China


1990年 中国首届油画精品大赛 杭州,中国

The 1st Primary Oil Painting Exhibition Hangzhou, China


1991年 江南名家油画作品展 新加坡

Southern China Artists‘ Oil Painting Exhibition Singapore


1992年 首届中国油画年展 香港,中国

The 1st Annual Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting Hong Kong, China


1993年 德国海姆巴赫艺术节中国艺术家作品展 海姆巴赫,德国

International Chinese Artists Exhibition at German Heimbach Art Festival Heimbach, Germany


中国美院院庆六十五周年进京展 北京,中国

The 65th Anniversary of Chinese Academy of Art at Beijing Beijing, China


1994年 德国第五届国际纸艺术双年展 迪伦,德国

The 5th International Paper Art Biennale Exhibition Dillon, Germany


第二届中国油画展 中国美术馆,北京,中国

The 2nd Chinese National Oil Painting Exhibition National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China


1995年 赴美参加在美国纽约和洛杉矶举办的中国油画展


Invited for Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition hosted in New York & Los Angeles,

Attended the 2nd Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition at the same year.


中国当代油画展 纽约,美国

Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition New York, USA


现代中国油画展 东京,日本

Modern Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition Tokyo, Japan


1996年 参加上海中国油画艺术双年展 上海美术馆,上海,中国


Shanghai Biennale Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting Art Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China

And the Grand Exhibition of Chinese Portraits of Hundreds Years


1997年 中国油画肖像艺术百年展 中国美术馆,北京,中国

Exhibition of 100 Years’ Chinese Portraiture Art National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China


1999年 第九届全国美展获铜奖 上海,中国

The 9th National Art Exhibition, Bronze Prize Shanghai, China


中国艺术邀请赛 成都,中国

The Chinese Art Invitational Competition Chengdu, China


2000年 参加20世纪中国油画展 北京-上海,中国

China · Art in the Twentieth Century Beijing-Shanghai, China


Attended the round tour of Asian Chinese Oil Paintings Exhibition


参加中国美协香港邀请展 香港,中国

Exhibition of National Chinese Artists Association Hong Kong, China


参加中国美院油画系七人作品展 杭州,中国

7 Artists' Works Exhibition of Oil Dept. of Chinese Academy of Art Hangzhou, China


2001年 最初的形象——当代纸上作品展 上海-杭州,中国

First Impression — Exhibition of Contemporary Art on Paper Shanghai-Hangzhou, China


上海美术馆藏作品展 上海美术馆,上海,中国

Collections Exhibition of Shanghai Art Gallery Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China


20世纪中国油画展 北京-上海,中国

China · Art in the Twentieth Century Beijing-Shanghai, China


2002年 常青个人作品展 上海美术馆,上海,中国

Solo Exhibition of Chang Qing Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China


2003年 第三届中国油画作品展 中国美术馆,北京,中国

The 3rd Chinese National Oil Painting Exhibition  National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China


2006年 常青个人作品展 华氏画廊,上海,中国

Solo Exhibition of Chang Qing HWA'S Gallery, Shanghai, China


2007年 上海第五届春季沙龙常青纸上作品展 上海,中国

The 5th Salon of Spring about Chang Qing's Paintings Shanghai, China


纸上谈兵——当代名家纸上作品邀请展 南京,中国

Strategy on the Paper — Works on Paper Invitational Exhibition Nanjing, China


中国艺术家希腊写生展 南京,中国

The Exhibition of the life Paintings by Chinese Artists in Greece Nanjing, China


2008年 零距——常青手稿展 杭州,中国

Zero Distance — The Original Manuscripts by Chang Qing Hangzhou, China


争艳——常青纸上作品展 杭州,中国

Blooming — The Exhibition of Chang Qing's Paintings Hangzhou, China


西湖博览会常青个人作品展 杭州,中国

Solo Exhibition of Chang Qing at cWest Lake Expo Hangzhou, China


中国情——常青、王沂东、艾轩精品版画展 北京,中国

China Sentiment — The Exhibition of Prints by Chang Qing, Wang Yi Dong and Ai Xuan Beijing, China


中国美术学院教授北欧写生作品展 北京,中国

The Exhibition of the life Paintings by Professors of China Academy of Art in North Europe Beijing, China


中国美术学院油画系教师新疆写生展 杭州,中国

The Exhibition of the life Paintings by Teachers from the Oil Painting Dept. at China Academy of Art in Xinjiang Hangzhou, China


2009年 浙江省重大历史题材美术作品展 杭州,中国

The Exhibition of Fine Art Works on the Great Historical Events in Zhejiang  Hangzhou, China


怀素抱朴——全国高等美术学院油画系教师纸上作品邀请展 杭州,中国

Simple Heart and Simple Mind — The National Exhibition of Paintings by the Oil Painting Teachers of the National Primary Art Academies Hangzhou, China


中国艺术家南美埃及写生作品展 南京,中国

The Exhibition of the life Paintings by Chinese Artists in Southern America & Egypt  Nanjing, China


2010年 经典与不朽——建国六十周年,共和国六十个珍贵记忆大型纪录片首映式暨中国艺术名家作品展 北京,中国

Classics and Immortals — the Premiere of the Documentary for 60 Rare Memories of PRC and the Exhibition of the Works by Chinese Famous Artists for the 60th anniversary of the Founding of People's Republic of China Beijing, China


关于动物——常青非洲动物精品版画展 杭州,中国

About Animals — African Animal Prints Solo Exhibition of Chang Qing Hangzhou, China


水彩作为理由——杭州水彩艺术邀请展 中国美术学院,杭州,中国

Reason for Watercolor — The Hangzhou Invitational Exhibition of Watercolor Art China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China



2011年 视觉之象 中国美术学院,杭州,中国

Visual Image China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China


吾土吾民 浙江美术馆,杭州,中国

My Land, My People Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, China


庆祝建党90周年、辛亥革命100周年美展 浙江图书馆,杭州,中国

Fine Art Exhibition on the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of Chinese Communist Party and the 100th Anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution Zhejiang Library, Hangzhou, China


最前线——建党90周年大展 浙江美术馆,杭州,中国

TOP Line — the Grand Exhibition of the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, China


上海庆祝建党90周年红色题材美术回顾展 上海图书馆,上海,中国

The Exhibition of the Review on the Revolutionary Subjects for the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai Shanghai Library, Shanghai, China


静玩 视平线画廊,上海,中国

Play in Silence Eye Level Gallery, Shanghai, China


群星璀璨——中国美术学院油画家邀请展 西湖艺术博览会,杭州,中国

Shining Stars — The Exhibition of the Oil Paintings by China Academy of Fine Arts West Lake Expo, Hangzhou, China


宣纸冤家——常青水墨画展 西湖艺术博览会,杭州,中国

Rivals of Rice Paper — The Exhibition of the Ink and Water Paintings by Chang Qing West Lake Expo, Hangzhou, China


三江两岸——浙江油画名家邀请展 杭州,中国

Three Rivers and Two Coasts — the Exhibition of the Oil Paintings by the Famous Painters in Zhejiang  Hangzhou, China


十年一觉——常青近作展 艺博画廊,上海,中国

An Sense at 10 Years — the Exhibition of Chang Qing's Recent Paintings YIBO Gallery, Shanghai, China
