(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:艺
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 1分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:15年
- 展厅面积:300平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳
尺寸 | 150x130(cm) | 创作年代 | 2012年 | ||
作品分类 | 油画 | 材质 | 布面 | 作品风格 | 其它 |
题材 | 其它 | ||||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
1983 生于中国浙江杭州
2006 毕业于中国美术学院油画系
2014 《R3PM3-周轶伦产品展》,清影当代艺术空间,杭州,中国
2013 《谁带我们飞上太空》,站台中国当代艺术机构,香港,中国
2012 《上有天堂》,站台中国当代艺术机构,北京,中国
《如果你们讲的都是真的》,Liste – The Young Art Fair, 巴塞尔, 瑞士
2011 《Pay Back the Money that You One》,弗羽森画廊,美国
《我们是彩色的》,香港艺术博览会Asia One/站台中国当代艺术机构,香港
2010 《这是哪》,安卓艺术,台北
2009 《你来晚了!》,站台中国当代艺术机构,北京
2008 《你爽吗?》,站台中国当代艺术机构,北京
《周轶伦个人展》,Art Statements Gallery,香港
2007 《美丽,武器,野兽》,安杰当代艺术画廊,上海,中国
2006 《英雄关,美人关》,导艺术空间,北京,中国
2013 《“写生”项目》,站台中国当代艺术机构,北京,中国
2012 《D For Drawing》,站台中国当代艺术机构,香港
《地下室》,IAAB 项目空间,巴塞尔,瑞士
2011 《完美世界》,Meulensteen,画廊,美国,纽约
2010 《丛林—中国当代艺术生态管窥》,站台中国当代艺术机构,北京
《听到吗?——八十后当代艺术联展》Contemporary by Angela Li,香港
2008 《Anything Is Possible》,卢森堡
2007 《Your View》,My Story 柏林,德国
《酸酸甜甜的一代》,Kunstverein 美术馆,德国
2006 《新视线》第三届全国美术院校优秀毕业生作品展,何香凝美术馆,深圳,中国
Zhou Yilun
Currently living and working in Hangzhou, China
1983 Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
2006 Graduated from China Academy of Art, Oil Painting Department
2014 “R3PM3-Zhou Yilun Products Exhibition”, Inna Contemporary Art Space, Hangzhou, China
2013 “Who’s Taking Us Outer Space”,Platform China Contemporary Art Institute,Hong Kong,China
2012 “As there is Paradise in Heaven”, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China
“If you were telling the truth”, LISTE – The Young Art Fair, Basel, Switzerland
2011 “Pay Back the Money that You One“, Fabien Fryns Fine Art, Los Angeles, USA
“We are coloful“, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute-Art HK, Asia One
2010 “Where is Here“, Mind Set Art Consulting, Taipei
“Embrace The New But Don't Discard The Old“, Andrew James Art, Shanghai, China
2009 “You came too late! “, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China
2008 “Enjoy It? “ , Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China
“Zhou Yilun Solo Show“, Art Statements Gallery, Hong Kong
2007 “Beauty, Weapon & Beast“, Andrew James Art, Shanghai, China
2006 “Hero and Beauty“, Dao Art Space, Beijing
“Fighting out“, Dao Art Space, Beijing
2013 “Life Drawing” Project, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China
“Jungle II—A Thriving Mophology: Theory Of Relativity”, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute
Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China
2012 “D For Drawing”, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Hong Kong
“Basement”, IAAB space, Basel, Switzerland
“Re: Painting“, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China
2011 “In a Perfect World... “, Meulensteen Gallery, New York
“19 Solo Shows About Painting“, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing
2010 “Jungle – A Close-Up Focus on Chinese Contemporary Art Trends“, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute,
“Haven’t You Heard? – Artist of the 80’s Contemporary Art Group Show“, Contemporary by Angela Li, Hong Kong
2008 “Anything Is Possible“, Luxembourg, Belgium
“Self-experience: Young Artists Group Show“, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China
2007 “Your View, My Story“, Ministry of Art, Berlin, Germany
“Sweet and Sour Generation“, Kunstverein Museum, Germany
“Quietly Collecting“, Andrew James Art, Shanghai, China
2006 “Fresh Eye – The 3rd Nationwide Chinese Art Academies Excellence in Oil Painting Graduate Show“, Hexiangning
Art Museum, Shenzhen, China