


  • 编  号:294195
  • 作  者:马路 查看拍卖记录
  • 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)  
  • 库  存: 1
  • 售  价:议价
买家服务热线: 400-601-8111

(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 3.6
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作品信息 作者信息 交易评价 本画廊其他作品
尺寸 140x100(cm) 创作年代 2014年
作品分类 综合材料 材质 其它 题材 抽象




出生年份: 1958
籍    贯: 北京-东城










2015   无心抽象/M艺术空间/上海

2012   那边的马路/M艺术空间/上海

2010   马路2010/元典美术馆/北京

2006   马路2006/新北京画廊/北京 



2014   中华意蕴—中国当代油画巡展/广东美术馆

2014   感知中国—中国油画60年/联合国教科文组织总部/巴黎/法国

2013   第二届墨彩情致—两地情中国画、油画大展/澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店/澳门

2013   多彩—中国油画作品展/美丽道国际艺术机构/北京

2013   CAFA教师—中央美术学院教师创作特展2013/中央美术学院美术馆/北京

2013   1978—中央美术学院恢復高考后第一届油画班同学毕业三十年展览/中央美术学院美术馆/北京

2013   国风—中国油画语言研究展/大都美术馆/北京

2012   从现代出发/中国美术馆/北京

2012   2012中国油画艺术展/奥林匹亚展厅/伦敦/英国

2012   2012上海当代艺术博览会国际当代艺术展/上海

2011   丹青家传—系列展首展/中华儿女美术馆/厦门

2010   精神与歷程—中央美术学院素描六十年全国巡迴展/全国9城市

2010   寻源问道/中国油画院/北京

2010   造型—中央美术学院造型学院艺术展/中央美术学院美术馆/北京

2010   吾土吾民—中国油画邀请展/西安美术学院美术馆/西安

2010   中国表现主义艺术展/中国当代美术馆/北京

2010   油画艺术与当代社会/中国美术馆/北京

2008   融合与创造—中国现代油画研究展/中国美术馆/北京

2005   大河上下—新时期中国油画回顾展/中国美术馆/北京

2003   第三节中国油画展/中国美术馆/北京

2002   中国造型艺术展/埃及美术馆/开罗/埃及

1997   杜塞尔多夫国际艺术展/市立美术馆/杜塞尔多夫/德国 



《那边的马路》2012年 M艺术空间

《马路2010》2010年 元典美术馆

《中央美术学院规划教材—油画教学—第四工作室》2007年 北京大学出版社

《马路2006》2006年 岭南美术出版社

《创新之路—西方现代绘画》2003年 岭南美术出版社

《当代艺术家素描手册—马路》2000年 河北教育出版社

《中国当代艺术家丛书—马路》1996年 广西美术出版社


Ma Lu 

1958           Born in Beijing

1978-1982     Graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing

1982-1984     Graduated from Hochschule Fur Bildende Kunste Hamburg, Germany

Professor of Oil Painting Department, Director of Studio No.4, China Central Academy of Fine Arts

Dean of Plastic Art School, China Central Academy of Fine Arts


Solo Exhibitions

2015     A Slip of Abstraction, M Art Center, Shanghai

2012     The Other Side of Ma Lu, M Art Center, Shanghai

2010     Malu 2010, Yuan Art Museum, Beijing

2006     Malu 2006, New Beijing Art Gallery, Beijing


 Major Exhibitions

2014     Chinese Abstraction - Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition Tour in China, Guangdong Museum of Art

2014     Touching China - 60 Years of Chinese Oil Painting, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France

2013     The 2nd Masters in Painting - Love of Two Places, an Exhibition of Exquisite Chinese Ink and Oil Painting, The Venetian Macao Resort, Macao

2013     Colorful - Chinese Oil Painting in China Exhibition, Meilidao International Arts, Beijing

2013     CAFA Faculty - China Academy of Fine Arts Faculty Works’ Exhibition, China Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing

2013     1978 - Exhibition of 30 Years’ Works of the First Promotion of Oil Painting Department in China Academy of Fine Arts after The Recovery of College Entrance Examination, China Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing

2013     China Style - Chinese Oil Painting Language Research Exhibition, Dadu Museum of Art, Beijing

2012     Start from Contemporary National Art Museum of China, Beijing

2012     China Oil Painting Olympia Office Exhibition London, UK

2012     Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair - represented by M Art Center, Shanghai

2011     Generations of Artists - Exhibition Series No.1, Museum of China Profiles, Xiamen

2010     Esprit and Path - Central Academy of Fine Arts 60 Years of Drawings, Tour Exhibition in 9 Cities of China

2010     Back to the Origin - Oil Painting Study, Chinese Academy of Oil Painting, Beijing

2010     Sculpt - Exhibition of Works from Plastic Art School of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing

2010     My Land, My People - Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, Art Museum of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, Xi’an

2010     Chinese Expressionism Art Exhibition, Contemporary Art Museum of China, Beijing

2010     Art of Oil Painting and Contemporary Society, National Art Museum of China, Beijing

2008     Integration and Creation - Research Exhibition of Chinese Modern Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing

2005     The Big River - Retrospective of the New Age Chinese Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing

2003     The 3rd Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing

2002     Chinese Plastic Art Exhibition, Art Museum of Egypt, Cairo, Egypt

1997     Dusseldorf International Art Festival, Dusseldorf Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf, Germany


 Major Publications

The Other Side of Ma Lu, M Art Center, 2012

Ma Lu 2010, Yuan Art Museum, 2010

Lecture Book of China Central Academy of Fine Arts - Oil Paintings - Studio No.4, Press of Peking University, 2007

Ma Lu 2006, Ling Nan Publisher House, 2006

The Road of Creation - Western Modern Painting, Ling Nan Publisher House, 2003

Contemporary Artists’ Sketch Manual - Ma Lu, Hebei Education Publisher House, 2000

Chinese Contemporary Artists Series - Ma Lu, Guangxi Publisher House, 1996
