- 资质:AGA 艺
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 6.2分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:24年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:台湾-台湾地区
aura gallery represents Suda Issei in China region
須田一政 Suda Issei,風姿花傳 Fushi Kaden 山形・銀山温泉
1976,gelatin silver print
aura gallery is pleased to announce representation of Suda Issei in China region.
Suda Issei, born in 1940 in Tokyo, Japan. After working as a photographer at the theatrical group “Tenjo Sajiki” under Shuji Terayama, Suda became a freelance photographer since 1970. Suda was awarded Newcomer’s award by the Photographic Society of Japan after releasing “Fushi Kaden” in 1978, and has received many other prizes afterwards. In 2013, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography held a grand retrospective of Suda Issei. Suda is the most significant Japanese photographer among international in recent years, and has hold solo exhibitions in Tokyo, New York, Koln, and Berlin. Suda Issei is represented by aura gallery in China area and has hold five solo exhibitions and numerous group exhibitions with us. aura gallery taipei will present solo exhibition of Suda Issei: “Taipei Kissyo" from January 30th.
須田一政 Suda Issei,台北吉祥 Taipei Kissyo, 1984,cibachrome
須田一政也是近年國際間極為關注的藝術家,在北京、紐約、科隆、柏林等重要城市舉辦個展。知名策展人Anne Tucker曾在2003年休士頓美術館「The History of Japanese Photography」一展時,評價須田一政是她心中最日本的攝影家。2013年,日本最重要的攝影學術機構—東京都寫真美術館舉辦須田一政的大型回顧展。2015年,美國專業攝影雜誌《Aperture》於<東京 Tokyo 特輯>中大篇幅介紹須田一政。
[ Current Exhibitions ]
大野智史 Satoshi Ohno.桑田卓郎 Takuro Kuwata − Come after Magic
游莉 You Li − All That is
2015.12.12 – 2016.01.09
Opening reception | 2015.12.12 Sat. 3pm
亦安畫廊台北 aura gallery taipei
[ Upcoming Exhibitions ]
阮義忠 − 日本,1982 Juan I-Jong – Japan 1982
須田一政 − 台北吉祥 Suda Issei – Taipei Kissyo
2016.01.30 – 03.12
Opening reception | 2016.01.30 Sat. 4:30pm
亦安畫廊台北 aura gallery taipei
*畫廊春節休假 | 2016.02.07 – 02.17