(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)
- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 5.6分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:44年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:北京-朝阳-798
尺寸 | 40x50(cm) | 创作年代 | 2013年 | ||
作品分类 | 油画 | 题材 | 动物 | 材质 | 布面 |
作品标签 | 中国元素 怀旧&复古 | ||||
适用空间 | 客厅 |
咸景洛 (1971 出生于韩国光州市)
1988 毕业于国立全南大学校艺术大学韩国画专业
2003 毕业于中国天津美术学院中国画专业获硕士学位
2007 中国天津美术学院美术馆 日常—‘无声的喊叫’展 (中国,天津)
2008 蚕月美术馆 日常—‘追求梦者’展 (韩国,咸平)
2009 多道画廊 日常—‘记忆’展 (韩国,首尔)
2010 Seo Jeong Wook 画廊 he-story‘福福’展 (韩国,首尔)
2012 Art Revolution Taipei he-story‘于民同乐’展 (台湾,台北世贸二馆)
2013 Art Revolution Taipei he-story‘井里哲学’展 (台湾,台北世贸三馆)
1997 声音与画画展 (朝兴美术馆,韩国)
1998 传统与形象展10周年纪念展 (南凤美术馆,韩国)
1998 三足乌展 (无等美术馆,韩国)
1998 美术世界大赏展 (世宗文化会馆,首尔)
1999 韩国画明日摸索展 (仁济美术馆,韩国)
1999 大韩民国现代美术大展 (韩国设计开发院美术馆,首尔)
2002 大韩民国现代美术大展 (首尔市立美术馆,韩国)
2002 现代艺术思潮与学院创作展 (天津现代艺术学院美术馆,中国)
2003 中国天津美术学院教师日本作品展 (神户,日本)
2004 第10届全国美术大展天津展 (天津体育中心,中国)
2006 天津美术学院100周年校庆展 (天津美术学院美术馆,中国)
2006 Design Network Asia 互动展 (安养艺术公园,韩国)
2006 大韩民国青年双年展 (大邱文化艺术馆,韩国)
2007 日本,法国,国际现代美术大展 (东京艺术中心,日本)
2008 水墨新力量-当代青年实力派画家邀请展 (天津博物馆,中国)
2008 惟美的探求追求展 (天津经纬艺术馆,中国)
2009 新加坡艺术博览会 (SUNTEC 新加坡)
2009 光州 全南博物馆联展 (光州设计中心,韩国)
2010 第28届画廊美术节 (釜山BEXCO,韩国)
2011 台北新艺术博览会预展 (宝胜画廊, 台北)
2012 My Art My Show展 (Kelti Art Gallery,台北)
2012 春“艺”盎然当代艺术邀请展 (宝胜画廊 台中,高雄)
2012 新 “艺”相通 中国当代艺术联展 (宝胜画廊, 上海)
2013 台北新艺术博览会 (台北世贸三馆,台湾)
2013 “高手比画”国际当代艺术联展 (宝胜画廊,台中)
1995 光州市美术大展 特选奖 (光州市立美术馆)
1997 全国韩国画大展 特选奖 (光州双年展美术馆)
1997 全国无等美术大展 特选奖 (光州双年展美术馆)
1998 New frontier展 入选奖 (首尔市立美术馆)
1998 第20届中央美术大展 入选奖 (湖岩美术馆, 首尔)
1998 美术世界大赏展 入选奖 (世宗文化会馆,首尔)
2003 中国天津美术学院毕业作品展 研究生奖 (天津美术学院美术馆,中国)
2004 第10届全国美术大展天津展 三等奖 (天津体育中心,中国)
2008 当代实力派画家提名展 入选作家奖 (天津博物馆,中国)
2009 获 Seo Jeong Wook 画廊展示作家 选定 (韩国,首尔)
HAM, Kyung Rack(b.1971)
2003 MFA, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, China
1998 BFA, Chonnam Nat’l Univ.
2003-2009 Professor in Chinese Painting at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts.
2013 He-story ‘In a well Philosophy’ Art Revolution Taipei (Taipei World Trade Center, Taiwan)
2012 He-story ‘The happiness with the people’ Art Revolution Taipei (Taipei World Trade Center,Taiwan)
2010 He-story ‘ happy happy’ (Seo Jeong Wook Gallery, Seoul / Korea)
2009 Daily-‘memory’ (Dado Art Gallery, Seoul /Korea)
2008 Daily-‘eyeing a dream now’ (Zamwall Art Museum, Hampyeong / Korea)
2007 Daily-‘noiseless shout’ ( Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Art Gallery, Tianjin / China)
2013 International Contemporary Art Show (x-Power Gallery, Taichung / Taiwan)
2013 Art Revolution Taipei (Taipei World Trade Center, Taiwan)
2012 New Communication Chinese Contemporary Art (X-Power Gallery Shanghai, China)
2012 The Spring That is Full of The Brilliant Art (X-Power Gallery Kaoshiung Taichung, Taiwan)
2012 My Art My Show (Kelti Art Gallery, Taipei / Taiwan)
2011 Art Revolution Taipei (X-Power Gallery, Taipei / Taiwan)
2010 Korea Galleries Art Fair (Busan Bexco, Korea)
2009 GwangJu Chonnam Museum Exhibition (GwangJu Design center, Korea)
2009 Singapore Art Fair (Suntec, Singapore)
2009 Seoul Open Art Fair (Coex, Seoul)
2008 Only Beautiful Investigation Pursuit (Tianjin Jingwei Art Gallery, China)
2008 India Ink New Ability (Tianjin Museum, China)
2007 Japan, France, International Modern Art Competition (Tokyo / Japan)
2006 Design Network Asia (Anyang Art Park, Korea)
2006 Korea Young Artist Biennale (Daegu Culture and Art Center, Korea)
2006 Tianjin Academy of Fine Art Centennial Exhibition (Tianjin Academy of Fine Art Gallery, China)
2004 The 10th National Fine Art Competition (Tianjin, China)
2003 The Work Show Tianjin Academy of Fine Art in Japan (Nagoya, Japan)
2002 Contemporary Art and The Institute of Window Operations (Tianjin Modern Art Gallery, China)
2002 The 23th Korea Modern Art Competition (Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul / Korea)
1999 The 20th Korea Modern Art Competition (Korea Design Development Institute, Seoul / Korea)
1998 Misulsegae Competition (Sejong Culture Center, Seoul / Korea))
1998 Three Crow Feet (Mudeung Museum of Contemporary Art, GwangJu / Korea)
1998 Tradition and Form (Nambong Art Gallery, GwangJu / Korea)
1997 The Sound and Picture (Chohung Art Gallery, GwangJu / Korea)
2009 Seo Jeong Wook Art Gallery Selected Exhibition Artist (Seoul / Korea)
2008 Contemporary Ability Young Artist Biennale Selected Artist (Tianjin Museum, China)
2004 The 10th National Fine Art Competition in Tianjin Exhibition 3rd Prize (Tianjin Sport Center, China)
2003 Tianjin Academy of Fine Art Graduation Exhibition Research Student Prize (Tianjin Academy of Fine Art Gallery, China)
1998 JoogAng Fine Arts Competition (Ho-am Gallery, Seoul / Korea)
1998 Misulsegae competition (Sejong culture center, Seoul / Korea)
1998 New Frontier Competition (Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul / Korea)
1997 Mudeung Fine Arts Competition Specially Selected (GwangJu Biennale Art Museum, Korea)
1997 Korea Painting Competition Specially Selected (GwangJu Biennale Art Museum, Korea)
1995 GwangJu Fine Arts Competition Specially Selected (GwangJu Museum of Art, Korea)
A large number of artifact are possessed by individuals and several art institutes in Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore.
他—故事“一个有德行 议价